Wednesday, February 27

One day down and One to go...

OK so Day one is behind me and I came home changed into comfy clothes watched some TV ate dinner and then tried to read over some outlines. Well that didn't exactly go according to plan because my mind is FRIED right now. At 8:30 I was starting to get tired which is about three hours earlier then usual. So I decided to put the outlines away. I am going to relax tonight get up tomorrow and get through Day 2. I just keep hoping that I knew enough and I have no idea if I do and I keep wondering if I am doing the right thing relaxing tonight.

Well that is the insight into my head while I am in between days of taking this test. I have no idea if I am any closer then I was last time but I know that I have a better handle on the information I just hope that I know enough to pass this test. I just can't imagine having to do this EVER again. I don't know if I will be able to crack the books and go through this. There are all kinds of things that I keep worrying about but I need to focus on getting through tomorrow and putting everything down in those essays that I know. I need to remember that I can do this as long as I don't let myself get in my way. I am shooting for a 60% that is it. I can do this!!

In case you were wondering how I was doing tonight. There is a little insight. Now I am off to watch some TV and go to bed.

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